Call Us: 204-227-6252
We service residential and commercial clients throughout Winnipeg and surrounding areas year round. For your free no obligation estimate, simply fill out the Free Estimate form or contact us directly to request yours today.
Tree & Stump Removal
Tree Maven Tree Service’s team of qualified arborists provide expert Tree Removal Services, and can employ techniques to improve the safety of the tree and the landscape surrounding it. Tree removals can be performed by using low impact controlled rigging methods or with an aerial bucket truck. There is no tree removal too big or too small for our arborists to handle.

Tree Support Systems
When severe weather stikes trees can often crack or break at their weakest points. These spots can sometimes be identified and corrected through pruning, but often go unnoticed until failure occurs. Tree support systems are a great resource for helping trees survive. Often cracked stems can be saved through a mechanical support system where a bolt or brace is run through or around the tree. Dynamic tree supports can be used to prevent some damage when defects can be identified in a tree, but not mitigated through pruning alone.

Skid Steer Services
We offer Skid-Steer services including:
-Rough grading
-Lot clearing
-Spreading of dirt, gravel, mulch, Etc. (delivery available)
Our Skid-Steer is compact and lighter than most machines, yet powerful enough to get the job done efficiently.